
Audio Pro Network

A free private social network for audio professionals with a separate mentorship platform for the next generation

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Pro Stories: In Remembrance, Joe Hammer

I've known my friend Joe Hammer for almost 20 years. Joe has literally done everything. From running his own studio, touring all over the world as a drummer, and even working in management and business development for major audio manufacturers all over the globe. From France, to Japan, to Australia, Joe has seen it all. Here's a little advice from the guy I affectionately call, Uncle Joe. I shall miss Joe a lot, he was a legend. JOE HAMMER Follow your own passion — not your parents, not your...

Pro Stories: Mike Greenberg

This next message comes from a new friend, Mike Greenberg. He is an audio post Re-Recording mixer from Los Angeles. We have grown to be be friends over the past few months. I'm telling you this because it's why I created this platform. Mike has already recommended me to an amazing software company and it immediately generated a meeting and yet another connection! This is the power of networking and why I want all of you to go outside of your comfort zone to meet and engage with each other on...

Pro Stories: Steven Dierks

I've known Steven Dierks for a while now and he never ceases to impress me. He is a producer, mixer and live event engineer in California. Diverse in his talents, always positive and constantly moving forward. Steven always inspires me to be better every time I talk to him. He wanted to share a message with you. It's a message that I based this entire network on. Networking and building contacts and friendships in this industry will accelerate your career. "Remember that you are never alone....

Pro Stories: Ray Palagy

Ray Palagy I started working at a NYC based Post House called Editel in 1987. I trained under Bob Schott and Jonathan Porath and was introduced to my first DAW - the AMS / NEVE Audiofile. I remember being obsessed with it and realizing that this was the future and that I had to learn it. Both of those engineers were excellent and it was a great introduction to TV post audio. A year later I was honored to be editing on the Audiofile at Sync Sound in NY and trained under Ken Hahn, Bill Marino,...

Conquering Creative Block: A Sound Designer's Toolbox

We've all been there: staring at a blank DAW, headphones silent, creativity seemingly sucked into a bottomless pit. But fear not, fellow sound designers! Even seasoned sonic alchemists face creative roadblocks. Let's delve into some practical tips to reignite your spark and break free from the clutches of creative block. 1. Seek Inspiration: Dive into Diverse Soundscapes When your own well of ideas runs dry, tap into the collective brilliance of others. Library music sites become your...

Pro Story: Brian Bonifacio

Brian Bonifacio is a friend and one of the most talented engineers I have met in my long career. Always positive and supportive, he is an inspiration to me and many others. As always, he brings some seriously potent advice to the table with his story. Brian's Story I started out playing drums as a kid and loved music so much I wanted to be involved in making it. Buuuut, I hated practicing so I knew I wouldn't be a world class drummer. I took an interest in the recording side when a friend of...

Heroes Get Remembered - Legends Never Die, By Elijah Aranzanso

This year my fellow graduates and I of the Recording Arts Program mourn the loss of our great professor Jae Henry. A person with a kind heart, and a motivated attitude, he gave his all into his recording program until the very end. Students, alumni, friends, and colleagues were devastated about his passing however most importantly his spirit will always be around guiding all of us. Who was Jay? A father, mentor, creator and role model. Jae was a true contributor to the music and audio...

Origin Story: Marco De Gregori

Marco is a sound designer that hails from Spain. I have a lot in common with him and I bet you do too. He has passion for sound, and like me, was fascinated by the power sound has in helping to tell a story. He is quite accomplished as you can see from his IMDB page. Marco's Story My love story with Sound started when I was 13. A friend of mine took me to watch 2001 a space Odyssey the movie from Stanley Kubrick.I fall in love with movies that day. Years later in 1977 me and some friends went...

Origin Story: Doug Hinrichs

About Doug An accomplished member of the New York percussion community, Doug's performance experience includes positions in several Broadway shows -- including a full-time position in the hit musical "In The Heights", and concerts with artists from a multitude of styles and settings. A recent performance highlight: with Bobby McFerrin at Jazz At Lincoln Center. As for studio percussion, his tracks have been on jingles for ESPN, PowerAde, The New York Knicks, and Miller Lite Beer. His credits...